Friday, February 25, 2011


     "Why are you talking to him" Luke said.
     "Why not, He's cool". I said
      "He's a Negro". Luke replied
     "Don't call me that". James said.
     "Negro!!! your a big fat ugly negro. you make me want to die you f&^%*&^ negro!" James yelled
     James pushed Juke into the locker and punched him in the nose and  blood flew from James's face. I help by punching james in the stomach and broke a rib.
      "Hey what are you doing!?" A teacher yelled.
     "He called me a negro" James yelled.
     "You two go to the office". He spat back.
     We watched while the teacher took Luke to the nurse.                                                                                                                                                                                I  got  suspened for 1 day. James was Supened for 5 days. Because james was black. People didn't like Black people in baltimore. I was only here for 5 days and i was already tired of it.
    Iam Mike from the Brox New York. I lived with my Mom and dad but they got a divorce. My Mom Meet this guy in New York. He's name was rick. He has a son  who is 14. Iam 17. Iam  a senor. My mom got married to Rick, and he's job moved to Baltimore, so we all had to move to Baltimore. And thats how Iam here. Stuck in this little room thinking how i got here. In New York color doesn't matter at alll. But down here it matters. Why doe's it matter!?  Its so stuped. I wish i could go back to New York where it all makes sense.
     On my day suspended from school i went to see the big city of Baltimore with James. he was going to show me places and things.
     First we went to this nice cafe for black people. It was small, but they made way more better coffice then my mom.
      Next we went to this store where there were black people dancing, poping, moving, and shaking  to the beat. I loved it. even though i was white i could dance like black people. com'on Am from New York. We can dance to anything, except country.
     "wow you guys can dance." I Yelled.
     " Your not so bad your self sweet chicks." A girl yelled back.
     Later we were just walking around looking at huge buldings and a big bulding caught my eye.
     "What's that?" I asked.
     "Am not sure."James said slowly.
     " Lets go check it out." I said.
      The building up close said THE BALTIMORE DANCE SHOW. There was a slip of paper on the door it read : Auditions today: 12:00 to 5:30. all are welcome.
     "Lets go audition James!" I said.
     " Okey." James said.
     Inside the bulding was bright red inside and the new smell of dancing shoes. There was a line of people waiting to audition. Me and James gabed a number at the desk and waited in line. I was number 20 and James was number 21. We went in partners, we danced our butts off.
      " I will call you guys later." The director said.
      I was so anxious to get the call from the dirceter, and i did. I got in! i called James and my emotions changed. He didnot get in because he was black. I was mad i broke the chair in my room and just layed there on my bed.
     I went into the kitchen and called my black friends from New York. I was about to do somthing that will change Baltimore for good.
     Tomorrow was the dance off at the Baltimore show and i we were going to blow the roof off this place. We went through  the back door and all my friends from New York, even James came. Everyone was getting ready while my friends were hiding back stage.
      I locked the Director in the bathroom.
     "Hey get me out of here!" He yelled.
     The camera guy was starting the show in 3 seconds.
     " 3, 2, 1 were on!" He yelled.
     "Now!" I yelled
     And all my friends including me jumped on stage and danced our tail feathers off. Everyone loved us and everyone from around the world was calling for us. And Even the Major for Baltimore was calling to vote for us.
     After the show the director saw us dance and he allowed black people to dance on the show. And the Major let Black people have equal rights. And that is how i changed the city of Baltimore.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Welcome to Baltimore Mick's step sister said. It was mikes first day of school. welcome to Baltimore high school sally said. Mike ask, why is it so big? sally said, because its a black and white school. Mike walked right throw the door. he felt very cool. he said to himself. begin a cizner feels pretty good. this school is way different from New York city high school. When mike was trying to find his classes all the girls were looking at him whispering, who's that sexy guy. It's sally's step brother from New York, he's a cener.

When mike got to his last class it was full of black kids and he was talking to them an he thought they were pretty cool, but when  he was talking to them in the hallway, thats when the trouble started.....